quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

The Secret of Darth Maul

Luckily, Darth Maul is back! I really don´t care how or when, I just know that he returned :)
Check the videos here.


Afortunadamente, Darth Maul está de regresso! Não quero saber como nem porquê, só sei que ele está de volta :)
Vejam os vídeos aqui.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2010

Vader wants Hollywood

Thanks Filipe ;)

Maurobex : maurobindo

sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010

Millennium Falcon, spotted!

I just spotted the Millennium Falcon at Broadway!
I wonder where will she fly next?...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

Yo, Yoda!

Thanks Filipe ;)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2010


A few weeks back, a thought that there were only 2 or 3 types of X-wing starfighters. Truth is, there are 17 different types of X-wings! Ain´t that cool? Haha!
It was also a nice surprise to get familiar with the three series of these ships. Better than words are nice pictures. Let´s check the models (the ones available):

T-65 series

:: T-65 X-wing starfighter
(the most famous example)

:: T-65A2 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - The Unifying Force)

:: T-65A3 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Dark Tide I: Onslaught)

:: T-65AC4 X-wing starfighter
(sources - The Jedi Academy Sourcebook; The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)

:: T-65B X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor; Starter´s Tale - Star Wars Adventure Journal 4; Vengeance Strike - Star Wars Adventure Journal 5; Heir to the Empire; Specter of the Past; Vision of the Future)

:: T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter
(appearances - X-wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire´s Service; X-wing: Isard´s Revenge; Shield of Lies; Tyrant´s Test; Dark Tide I: Onslaught; Dark Tide II: Ruin)

:: T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - The New Rebellion)

:: T-65D-A1 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - The New Rebellion)

:: TX-65 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Shield of Lies)

:: Tandem X-wing starfighter
(appearances - The Epic Continues; Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood)

XJ series

:: T-65XJ X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Vector Prime; Star Wars: Invasion 1: Refugees, Part 1; Star Wars: Invasion 3: Refugees, Part 3; Balance Point; Dark Journey; Edge of Victory I: Conquest; Edge of Victory II: Rebirth; Dark Nest I: The Joiner King; Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen; Dark Nest III: The Swarm War; Betrayal; Bloodlines)
:: T-65XJ3 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Star by Star; Dark Journey; Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream; Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand; Destiny´s Way; Force Heretic I: Remnant; Force Heretic II: Refugee; Force Heretic III: Reunion; The Final Prophecy; The Unifying Force; Dark Nest I: The Joiner King; Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen; Tempest)

:: XJ5 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Dark Nest I: The Joiner King; Tempest; Abyss)

:: XJ6 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Betrayal)

:: XJ7 X-wing starfighter
(appearances - Bloodlines; Tempest; Sacrifice; Fury; Invincible)

Other series

:: StealthX
(appearances - Dark Nest I: The Joiner King; Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen; Dark Nest III: The Swarm War; Tempest; Exile; Sacrifice; Inferno;Fury; Revelation; Invincible; Outcast; Abyss; Backlash; Allies; Vortex)

X-83 TwinTail starfighter
(appearances - Star Wars: Legacy 1: Broken, Part 1; Star Wars: Legacy 6: Broken, Part 5; Star Wars: Legacy 7: Broken, Part 6; Star Wars: Legacy 12: Ghosts, Part 2; Star Wars: Legacy 29: Vector, Part 10; Star Wars: Legacy 34: Storms, Part 1; Star Wars: Legacy 42: Divided Loyalties; Star Wars: Legacy 12: Ghosts, Part 2; Star Wars: Legacy 47: The Fate of Dac)

And I can say, that´s it!
Uff, long post for all these mighty ships. There´s a lot of information about all the models, series related and a bunch of other stuff. Just check it here. Wookieepedia is the best source there is. Thank you guys, whoever you are!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 29 de julho de 2010

A special lightsaber

From now on, when you throw a party at your place, you can experience a new way of bottle opening, without destroying it... don´t believe me?
The picture says it all!


A partir de agora, quando organizarem festas lá em casa para a malta amiga, já podem experimentar uma nova técnica para abertura de caricas, sem destruir a garrafa... não acreditam?
A imagem diz tudo!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 13 de julho de 2010

Star Wars: Blood Ties - A Tale of Jango and Boba Fett #1

A new comic book is about to hit the stands in August. Probably one of the most awaited Star Wars comics for the summer. It will get to Portugal in September or October. Can´t wait to grab it and check Jango and Boba together in action!


Um novo comic chegará às prateleiras em Agosto. Provavelmente uma das BDs Star Wars mais aguardadas do verão. Deve chegar a Portugal em Setembro ou Outubro. Estou em pulgas para lhe deitar a mão e ver o Jango e o Boba juntos em acção!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Corsets by Evening Arwen

California based costume and corset maker Evening Arwen has crafted a fine pair of fancy unlicensed corsets based on the costumes of Darth Vader and the Imperial Storm Troopers. These may be some of the most important corsets ever constructed.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo


Luckily for Mao, Stalin didn´t cut his hand off.
But I guess he should´ve...


Felizmente para o Mao, o Stalin não lhe cortou a mão.
Mas acho que devia...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

A thought to my friends

Lately, I´ve been thinking about a very nice thing. As I run this blog, just for pure joy and for being a true fan of the Star Wars universe, every week I receive some new stuff about Star Wars from my friends. The line of thought is simple, if I wanted to I didn´t need to search for anything else about the saga, because my friends send me lots of info regularly.
So, this post is for them, for always sharing with me this passion I have, keeping it going and making me happy. Love to all of you guys :)


Ultimamente tenho matutado em algo bastante porreiro. Enquanto mantenho este blogue, apenas por puro divertimento e por ser um verdadeiro fã do universo Star Wars, recebo todas as semanas dos meus amigos informação nova, relativa a Star Wars. A minha linha de raciocínio é simples, hoje, se quisesse, já não precisava de procurar mais nada sobre a saga, porque os meus amigos o fazem por mim. Enviam-me montes de coisas com regularidade. Por isso, este post é para eles, por partilharem sempre comigo esta paixão que tenho, mantendo-a e deixando-me feliz. Um bem haja para todos vocês :)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Hoth concepts

The Old Republic will be the brand new release from Lucas Arts, a magnificent game that should be out in Spring 2011. While the project moves forward, new pictures, trailers and concepts come out. Today, I´ll focus my attention in Hoth, a well known planet from the saga. It appears that Hoth was already a war zone in past times...
Read more here. And check the game website here.


The Old Republic será o fresquíssimo lançamento da Lucas Arts, um jogo magnifico que deverá estar disponível na Primavera de 2011. Enquanto o projecto avança, novas imagens, trailers e esboços conceptuais surgem um pouco por todo o lado. Hoje, vou focar o post em Hoth, um conhecido planeta da saga. Pelos vistos, Hoth já era palco de muitas batalhas no passado...
Leiam mais aqui. E espreitem o website do jogo aqui.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 6 de julho de 2010

Empire Hotline

"Enter Craig Miller, Lucasfilm's first director of fan relations, who recently uncovered his cassette copy of the phone messages (likely the only copy in existence) and generously shared them with us. To our surprise, the recording revealed five -- not four -- voice performances, including a previously unknown Princess Leia message recorded by Carrie Fisher!"

Keep on reading here. You can also hear the 5 samples from C3PO, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and of course, Darth Vader. Enjoy!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Sith Simpathy

By Rooster Teeth.

Thanks mawalien ;)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

Two powerful and mysterious dudes

More comic strips by Grikle here. Thanks for the tip, Star Wars Clube Portugal.


Mais tiras cómicas de Grikle aqui. Obrigado ao Star Wars Clube Portugal pela dica.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Another astonishing trailer for a Star Wars game. This is getting hard to resist...


Outro trailer fenomenal de um jogo Star Wars. Está a ficar difícil resistir...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sábado, 12 de junho de 2010

terça-feira, 8 de junho de 2010

Star yourself

Have you ever thought that you could be part of the Empire Strikes Back? I mean it, for real?
Click and try ;)


Alguma vez pensaste que podias fazer parte do Império Contra-Ataca? Tipo, entrar mesmo a sério no filme?
Clica e experimenta ;)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Star Wars: The Complete Vader

The ultimate illustrated guide to one of the most iconic characters in the history of cinema.
A must have! I´ve got it in my wishlist already.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

What if?

What if The Empire Strikes Back has had a different casting? Like, Kurt Russell was Han Solo, Cindy Williams played Princess Leia and Robby Benson was the hero Luke Skywalker? They all screen tested and nearly got parts in the movie. The great Toshiro Mifune was considered as Obi-Wan. It could've been a very, very different Star Wars...


E se O Império Contra-Ataca tivesse tido um casting diferente? Tipo, se Kurt Russell fosse o Han Solo, a Cindy Williams fizesse de Princesa Leia e o Robby Benson tivesse o papel do herói Luke Skywalker? Todos eles fizeram testes e quase conseguiram papéis para o filme. O grande Toshiro Mifune foi uma hipótese para representar o papel de Obi-Wan. Podia ter sido um Star Wars muito, muito diferente...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Adidas Originals World Cup Party

Once again, Adidas has made an excelent job.
"The new cut seamlessly combines the original footage with new shots of our favorite electro-house droids, Snoop Dogg, Noel Gallagher, Ciara, David Beckham, Ian Brown and more. As far as we can tell, Daft Punk did not remix the original cantina music, though."


Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010

Happy birthday to "The Empire Strikes Back"

Today is a historic date! 30 years ago The Empire Strikes Back premiered in theatres. I can just say happy birthday, and we will be here in 30 years to celebrate the 60th anniversary :)


Hoje é uma data histórica! Há 30 anos atrás O Império Contra-Ataca estreava nos cinemas. Queria apenas desejar parabéns e que daqui a 30 anos estejamos a festejar o 60º aniversário :)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

Lego has new stuff

Well, I know these ships have sometime now, nevertheless, it´s worth showing.

First, the ARC-170 Starfighter, that includes:

  • Includes four minifigures: 2 Clone Pilots™, Kit Fisto and Astromech Droid™
  • Turn gear on back to open or close the S-foil attack wings!
  • Push gear to launch auto-firing flick missiles!
  • Measures over 7" (17cm) tall
  • Wingspan measures over 19" (48cm) wide

And also, another very good option and also a classic, Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter:

  • Lift the nose of the ship to seat Darth Vader at the controls!
  • Includes Darth Vader minifigure!
  • Measures 6" (15cm) long by 7" (17cm) wide

Hope you all enjoy these two ships. If you assemble them, I´ll be glad to check the pics.
Have fun!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010

Dawn of Maul

Like Darth Maul once came to this world (or another), another red thing was born 29 years ago.
I just hope I can keep myself red everyday, everytime :)


Tal como Darth Maul veio um dia a este mundo (ou a outro), outra coisinha vermelha nascia há 29 anos atrás.
Só espero que me mantenha vermelho todos os dias, a toda a hora :)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Entertainment Weekly

"In April, Entertainment Weekly's send-up to all things Empire celebrates 30 years of the first Star Wars sequel with rare never-before-seen photos and an excerpt from the upcoming Star Wars: The Making of The Empire Strikes Back book!"

I already ordered mine in Portugal. I hope it arrives soon :)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010

Naughty, naughty...

Thanks Filipe ;)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Vader´s true voice

Well, I never heard the voice of David Prowse as Darth Vader, although I knew since long that he was the "true" Vader, not James Earl Jones. It was a pleasant suprise.
Thanks Saki ;)


Bem, nunca tinha ouvido a voz de David Prowse como Darth Vader, apesar de saber há muito que ele era o "verdadeiro" Vader e não o James Earl Jones. Foi uma surpresa agradável.
Obrigado Saki ;)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

A late Star Wars April Fool’s

Late, but not that late. This one worths more than a thousand words.


Mais vale tarde do que ainda mais tarde. Esta foto vale mais do que mil palavras.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Obama "pops up"

Looks like President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, was caught buying a Star Wars pop-up book. Was it for him, or his daughters?
I wonder...


Parece que o Presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, foi apanhado a comprar um livro pop-up Star Wars. Será que era para ele, ou para as filhas?

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sábado, 27 de março de 2010

100 posts!

A smile is enough :)


Um sorriso basta :)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Weather forecast

If you need to know how´s the weather outside, just try Tom Scott´s page.
This guy created a Star Wars weather forecast according to the planets of the saga. If it´s freezing, it´s as cold as Hoth! If it´s nice, probably you´re at Naboo. If it´s hot, Tattoine is your place.
They say that in Lisbon: "Está que nem Naboo lá fora. Temperado, seco e agradável."
Have fun :)


Se precisarem de saber como está o tempo lá fora, experimentem a página criada por Tom Scott.
Este tipo criou um boletim meteorológico Star Wars de acordo com os planetas da saga. Se está frescote, está gelado como em Hoth! Se está agradável, provavelmente estão em Naboo. Se estiver calor, a vossa localização deve ser Tatooine.
Eles dizem que em Lisboa: "Está que nem Naboo lá fora. Temperado, seco e agradável."
Divirtam-se :)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Well, I could say I´m pretty happy :)
I feel that I´m ready to fly an X-Wing. At least, I´ve got the shoes. Now I need the rest.
The Adidas collection conceived for the Star Wars saga it´s awesome. In Portugal, several stores have the tennis shoes available, as well as jackets and t-shirts. Some official Adidas stores have the collection, like many sneakers stores in Lisbon. For you to know, there is Prof (where I purchased mine), Na Maior, Waves & Woods, Big Punch and probably some others. But these ones, I know they have it. For the interested ones, you better rush, cause I´ve got lucky. The stock is flowing good...


Bem, estou feliz da vida :)
Já estou preparado para pilotar um X-Wing. Pelos menos, o calçado já tenho. Agora falta o resto.
A colecção que a Adidas concebeu para a saga Star Wars está soberba. Em Portugal, várias lojas têm disponíveis vários ténis, casacos e t-shirts. Algumas das lojas oficiais da Adidas têm a colecção, bem como outras lojas que vendem ténis em Lisboa. A saber, Prof (onde comprei os meus), Na Maior, Waves & Woods, Big Punch e provavelmente outras. Mas estas sei que têm. Para os interessados, apressem-se, eu tive sorte. O stock já começou a escoar e bem...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo