terça-feira, 8 de junho de 2010

What if?

What if The Empire Strikes Back has had a different casting? Like, Kurt Russell was Han Solo, Cindy Williams played Princess Leia and Robby Benson was the hero Luke Skywalker? They all screen tested and nearly got parts in the movie. The great Toshiro Mifune was considered as Obi-Wan. It could've been a very, very different Star Wars...


E se O Império Contra-Ataca tivesse tido um casting diferente? Tipo, se Kurt Russell fosse o Han Solo, a Cindy Williams fizesse de Princesa Leia e o Robby Benson tivesse o papel do herói Luke Skywalker? Todos eles fizeram testes e quase conseguiram papéis para o filme. O grande Toshiro Mifune foi uma hipótese para representar o papel de Obi-Wan. Podia ter sido um Star Wars muito, muito diferente...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

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