domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2012

Who´s the strongest Director with the Force?

The entries have started!
Who do you think is the strongest one with the Force, to take the new movies to a whole new level?
Check it here.

(unfortunately, the videos do not work in Portugal...)

quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2012

More comics on the way

Here is some info from the CBR website about the new Dark Horse series, "Star Wars: Dark Times – Fire Carrier":

"CBR News has learned that starting that month, Dark Horse will launch the new five-issue mini series "Star Wars: Dark Times – Fire Carrier" by Randy Stradley and Gabriel Guzman under covers by Doug Wheatley. Set in the bleak era of Empire rule between the two film trilogies, this particular comic will focus on Jedi Master K’Kruhk – a surviving warrior on the run from Darth Vader who must hide two Padawans from death on a planet under the boot of the Empire.


 Check the making of the first cover here.

Star Wars: The Essential Atlas

I´m a huge fan of maps. Almost anything that you can chart, here I am, ready to check it! I recently discovered that Dan Wallace and Jason Fry have made a pretty good job mapping the most famous galaxy of all times, and I would like to recommend this wonderful book to all maps, planets and of course, Star Wars fans.
Every planet name, system or nebula will now be easy to spot. As any book as its limitations, the authors had the excellent idea of making an appendix, available for download here, where you can find all known star systems in the Star Wars galaxy.

I hope you enjoy the journey! Click the pictures for more info.
May the Force be with you.

terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2012

"Star Wars destiny" or "Star Wars goes Disney"

You can check the most important news of the year for the Star Wars universe, here.


Podem ver a notícia mais importante do ano para o universo Star Wars, aqui.

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

Star Wars #1

Dark Horse has decided to bring it all back into the beggining. Together, writer Brian Wood and artist Carlos D´Anda put effort to bring us back the first days of the Star Wars universe. As they say:
"This is Star Wars as you remember it . . . and as you have never seen it before! We’re taking you back to those heady, adventure-filled days following the destruction of the Death Star—when the Empire ruled, the Rebels were on the run, and the galaxy was a dangerous place where anything might happen!"

I don´t know if all the series covers will be Alex Ross´ making, but the first one is a thumbs up! 

Let´s wait for the 9th of January to check how the new action will be going.

terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

Star Wars bank cards

Montepio, a portuguese bank, has invested in the Force. They recently made available several Star Wars debit cards and pre-paid cards, for clients or admirers of the Star Wars universe. Know more clicking the images. Have fun!


O banco português Montepio investiu na Força. Recentemente, tornaram disponíveis vários cartões de débito e cartões pré-pagos Star Wars para os seus clientes ou admiradores do universo Star Wars. 
Para saber mais, basta clicar nas imagens. Divirtam-se!

quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012

Shaak Ti

Sideshow announced recently the pre-order of a new Premium Format Figure for the Star Wars line, Master Jedi Shaak Ti. Here are some pictures of this amazing statue. You can check more pics in the Sideshow blog, here.

sábado, 6 de outubro de 2012

Star Wars Detours

An all new level of great Star Wars fun!
As they say:
"Star Wars Detours™ is an animated comedy that explores what daily life is like in a galaxy far, far away. There are no Empires striking back or attacking clones here. Instead, Star Wars Detours focuses on the universe's regular folks and their everyday problems... which, to be fair, do frequently involve famous bounty hunters, crazed Ewoks, and even a Dark Lord of the Sith."

Welcome to Star Wars: Detours: the other side of the stars, between the wars."

Mythos as arrived

Sideshow launched a new line of Star Wars statues etitled "Mythos". For the moment, we can delight ourselves with the wise and nomad Ben Kenobi, the mysterious Darth Maul or the brute Gamorrean Executioner.

The only thing I can add is UAU! The sculptures are very detailed, they have a sense of movement that captures your eye, and the chosen palette combines in perfection with each character.

Here´s some pictures for you to enjoy.

quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2012

Wanna fly Star Wars style?

"A resurrected hover vehicle won’t fly through dense forests as effortlessly as the speeder bikes from Return of the Jedi, but its intuitive controls could someday allow anyone to fly it without pilot training."
More info here and the video here.

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

Republic Ace

A very funny and simple game, that will make you enjoy a few moments with the Force.

Blast your way through the Separatist fleet!


Um jogo simples e engraçado, que vos vai fazer passar um bom bocado com a Força.

Abre caminho e rebenta com a frota Separatista!

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012

Death Star gets icy

Kotobukiya has done it, soon you can have a Death Star in your juice!


A Kotobukiya conseguiu, em breve podem ter a Estrela da Morte nos vossos copos!
Muito bom...

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

A message to all padawans

"An actor is totally vulnerable. His total personality is exposed to critical judgment - his intellect, his bearing, his diction, his whole appearance. In short, his ego."
Sir Alec Guinness

Taken from here.

terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012

Ultimate Evil

A few days ago I discovered Manny, a digital artist with a huge tendency to accomplish great Star Wars arts. You can check more of his works in his website. Enjoy!


Há uns dias descobri um artista digital de nome Manny, com um fraquinho por Star Wars. O melhor é que consegue resultados fenomenais! Podem ver o seu trabalho no site pessoal do artista. Aproveitem!

sábado, 14 de julho de 2012

A taste of the Sarlacc

Remember that Boba Fett was the only one able to escape from the mighty Sarlacc´s belly!


Lembrem-se que o Boba Fett foi o único a conseguir escapar do estômago do poderoso Sarlacc!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

R2-D2 Lego version

This amazing R2-D2 is available at Lego Shop.
Here are some specs:


  • Ages:16+
  • Pieces:2127
Presenting the ultimate collector series R2-D2 – the best-loved droid in the Star Wars galaxy!
Price 189,99 €

Happy shopping!


Este fantástico R2-D2 está disponível na Lego Shop.
Algumas especificações:


  • Idade recomendada: 16+
  • Número de peçs: 2127
Preço 189,99 €

Boas compras!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

domingo, 17 de junho de 2012


Star Wars + Mitchybwoy = cool t-shirts

More tees here.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2012

Star Wars 1313

There´s not much to know yet, put this looks promising...
It is said that you can be a bounty hunter.


Ainda não se sabe muito a propósito, mas isto promete...
Diz-se que poderemos ser um caçador de prémios.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012

R2-D2 Translator

Did you know that it´s very easy to talk as R2-D2?
Just check it out here.


Sabiam que é muito fácil falar como o R2-D2?
Experimentem aqui.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012

sexta-feira, 4 de maio de 2012

May the 4th be with you!

Happy Star Wars day fans!

May the Force always be with you all.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012

Wanna play organ?

Discover more about how you can play a real Lego Star Wars Organ, here. With videos also!
Thanks mawalien!


Descubram mais sobre como tocar um verdadeiro Orgão Star Wars aqui. Vídeos incluídos!
Obrigado mawalien!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Duel of The Fates

One of the best Star Wars themes ever!
Take a moment to enjoy the first appearance of Darth Maul...
Unfortunately, Qui Gon Jinn dies...


Um dos melhores temas de sempre, da saga Star Wars!
Apreciem a revelação de Darth Maul...
Infelizmente, Qui Gon Jinn morre...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

Changes ::::::::: Mudanças...

It´s always good to change, and dear old "Star Wars - Jedi Academy" needed a big, big change...
Here I am, almost 5 years after the first post, with lot of Star Wars stories, images, memories, gadgets and so many other things.

I hope I was able to bring something new to the knowledge of Star Wars fans around the world through this journey and I promise will keep it for the years to come.

My only wish right now is to make the comment box grow... in comments! I check in my Clustrmap account from time to time, and I see that people from Sweden, Venezuela, U.S.A., Brazil, Thailand and Canada, visited the Academy, just yesterday! For me, this is an amazing statement. So, I would like to invite you all to comment, maybe we can learn new ways in the Force and make it even more powerfull between us padawans.

See ya soon, in a galaxy far, far away....


É sempre bom mudar, e o velho "Star Wars - Jedi Academy" precisava de uma grande, grande mudança... Aqui estou, passados mais de 5 anos desde o primeiro post, com resmas de histórias sobre Star Wars, imagens, memórias, gadgets e tantas outras coisas.

Espero ter sido capaz de acrescentar algo de novo ao conhecimento dos fãs de Star Wars de todo o globo ao longo desta jornada e prometo continuar nos anos vindouros.

De momento, o meu único desejo é fazer a caixa de comentários crescer... em comentários! De quando em vez espreito a minha conta do Clustrmaps e vejo que pessoas da Suécia, Venezuela, E.U.A., Brasil, Tailândia e Canadá, visitaram a Academia, e isto só ontem. Para mim, esta é uma constatação fantástica. Assim sendo, queria convidá-los a todos a comentarem, talvez possamos aprender novas nuances da Força e torná-la ainda mais forte entre nós padawans.

Até breve, numa galáxia muito, muito longínqua....

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

The Force is strong with Evian...

This one goes in french:

"La célèbre marque d’eau minérale se fait remarquer tous les ans avec un design de bouteille, souvent original, à l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année.
Le buzz de la semaine, ce sont ces bouteilles imaginées par Mandy Brencys, à l’effigie des cultissimes personnages de la saga Star Wars : R2D2, C3PO, Chewbacca, Dark Vador et un stormtroopers. Malheureusement, ces bouteilles ne sont pas commercialisées et ne sont pour l’instant qu’un concept créatif… Espérons que la marque se laissera convaincre par le buzz et commercialisera vite ses superbes bouteilles qui ne manqueront pas devenir collector!"

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

The Sith Hunters

Darth Maul and his brother have a few surprises for us...
Coming out in August 2012!


Darth Maul e o seu irmão têm umas quantas surpresas reservadas para nós...
Lançamento em Agosto de 2012!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Star Wars Invite

A very cool invitation created by the mix of two very unexpected partners, Star Wars and VW. Create your own invitation by clicking the picture. Check mine here.


Um convite espetacular criado pela mistura de dois parceiros inesperados, Star Wars e VW. Criem o vosso próprio convite clicando na imagem. Espreitem o meu aqui.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012

The Bark Side of The Force

See if you can identify all the characters.
Good luck!


Vejam se conseguem encontrar todas as personagens.
Boa sorte!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo