quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2008

Merry Christmas

Enjoy as much as you can your Christmas day.
This is probably the last post of the year, in a year of low posting. Hope 2009 will bring me more Star Wars, so I can justify this blog that raised in a will to show Star Wars fans cool stuff.
May the Force be with you, always!


Aproveitem ao máximo o dia de Natal.
Este será provavelmente o último post do ano, no ano que se mostrou pobre em posts. Espero que 2009 me traga mais Star Wars, para que se justifique este blogue que se ergueu duma vontade de mostrar aos fãs de Star Wars "cool stuff".
Que a Força esteja convosco, sempre!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (launch trailer)

No need for words. Just watch it!


Acho que não é preciso dizer nada. Basta ver!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sexta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2008

Force Unleashed books

With such a great moment in the Star Wars history, it was a matter of time until we can grab ourselves a couple of good books for the journey. Big game demands good books. A comic book adaptation of the story and an art book. What more can I desire? Take a look at the preview from the Dark Horse TPB. The art is fabulous!


Com um momento tão importante na história de Star Wars, era uma questão de tempo até que pudéssemos deitar as mãos a alguns bons livros que acompanhassem a jornada. Grande jogo puxa bons livros. Uma adaptação da história para BD e um art book. Que mais poderia eu desejar? Dêem uma espreitadela ao preview disponibilizado pela Dark Horse. A arte é fabulosa!

Click the pictures for The Book Depository link

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008


Well, sometimes somethings you don´t expect end up happening... When Star Wars The Exhibition came to Lisbon in 2006, I wasn´t waiting to be busted by a couple of Troopers. Sometimes life is hard for a rebel...


Bem, por vezes certos acontecimentos ocorrer sem que estejamos à espera... Quando Star Wars The Exhibition veio até Lisboa em 2006, não estava nada à espera que uns quantos Troopers me fizessem prisioneiro. Às vezes a vida é árdua para um rebelde...

First they caught me...
Forced me to kneel...

Then they took me to their Master. Chocking is not a good thing...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2008

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (poster & new trailer)

Well, since I haven´t been able to post since March 19, here it goes the latest (and late from myself) Star Wars: The Clone Wars poster & trailer. Enjoy padawans...


Bem, visto não conseguir fazer um post desde 19 de Março, aqui vos deixo o último (e atrasado) cartaz & trailer de
Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Apreciem padawans...

And the Jedi´s mission. Awesome!


E a missão dos Jedi. Espectacular!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2008

Quizbook revisited - Some of the answers have grown over the years

What a difference a quarter-century makes. Earlier this week, with the help of the fan community, StarWars.com finally found Rusty Miller, the author who penned 1982's The Jedi Master's Quizbook: 425 Comics Questions & Answers About Star Wars & The Empire Strikes Back. He was 11 years old at the time, and the object of much fan envy and discussion. Come the Internet age, and he seemed to vanish.

Now, the book itself: as the years have added more and more Star Wars lore, it seems a bit quaint to look through a 1982 trivia book, especially one that contains its contents to just two movies. Here's a look at some of the simpler questions, and how 25 years of added Star Wars history have made for not-so-simple answers.

Q: Where was Princess Leia from?
A (1982): Alderaan
A (2008): Polis Massa is her place of birth, though she was raised in Aldera on Alderaan.

Q: What vehicle did Luke drive on Tatooine?
A (1982): A landspeeder
A (2008): A SoroSuub X-34 landspeeder, in addition to an Incom T-16 Skyhopper, and conceivably, a SoroSuub Courier V-35 landspeeder or a Mobquet SX-14 field hover-ute if required.

Q: What was Leia's starship called at the beginning of Star Wars?
A (1982): Blockade Runner
A (2008): It was originally christened the Star of Alderaan before having its name changed to the Tantive IV. Production referred to the vehicle as a "Rebel starfighter," a "Galactic Cruiser," and a "Rebel blockade runner" at various times throughout the making of Star Wars, while the term "Alderaan star cruiser" was also used during the making of Episode III.

Q: What were the names of Luke's two friends who had already entered the Academy?
A (1982): Biggs and Tank
A (2008): Biggs Darklighter and Janek Sunber.

Q: What made Vader's TIE fighter different from other fighters?
A (1982): It had (curved) or angular wings
A (2008): Vader's x1 prototype had a more robust spaceframe, particulary at the pylon points where the solar gather panels connect. The panels themselves are longer, and angled. Unlike the standard TIE of the line, the TIE x1 featured deflector shields and a limited class 4 hyperdrive. Its increased range gave the x1 five consumable days of non-combat flight time, as opposed to a TIE fighter's two-day yield. A standard TIE featured a pair of Sienar Fleet Systems L-s1 laser cannons, while the x1 had L-s9.3 cannons. Powering the standard TIE was an SFS I-a2b solar ionization reactor and SFS P-s4 twin ion engines, while the x1 featured the SFS 1-S3a and SFS P-s5.6 counterparts, respectively.

My special thanks to StarWars.com, for such an interesting newsletter. Cheers! May the Force be always with you!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Star Wars Insider #76

Star Wars Insider #76. Directly from my mail box to suite my geek needs... Ahahaha!!! A real beauty isn´t it?


Star Wars Insider #76. Directamente da minha caixa do correio para satisfazer as minhas necessidades geeks... Ahahaha!!! Uma verdadeira beleza não é?!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is the newest film that follows the Star Wars saga. Although it is an animated movie, quality and fidelity are much expected by fans. The film introduces a new character, Ahsoka Tano. Wanna guess who is going to be this Padawan´s Master? That´s right, Anakin Skywalker! Surprised? Don´t be. This new film has lots of new stuff and tons of action, broken robots, Jedi duels and a involving story. We just have to wait until August 15, when the movie will make its worldwide debut (worldwide... I hope...).


Star Wars: The Clone Wars é o mais recente filme que dá seguimento à saga Star Wars. Apesar de ser uma película animada, é esperado pelos fãs qualidade e fidelidade na mesma. O filme introduz uma nova personagem, Ahsoka Tano. Querem adivinha quem será o Mestre desta jovem Padawan? Esse mesmo, Anakin Skywalker! Surpreendidos? Não estejam. Este novo filme tem montes de novidades e toneladas de acção, robôs partidos, duelos de Jedis e uma estória envolvente. Só nos resta esperar até 15 de Agosto, data em que o filme estreará em todo o mundo (em todo o mundo... espero eu...).

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, 18 de março de 2008

The Force Unleashed - Vanity Fair Exclusive

Vanity Fair has an exclusive video for the most awaited game of the year. Check it!


A Vanity Fair lançou um vídeo exclusivo do jogo mais esperado do ano. Ora vejam!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2008

The Vader Project

The Vader Project was an exhibition of Star Wars Celebration IV, at Los Angeles, last May. Just amazing! Check some of the art, and then follow the links for more pics. Enjoy!


O The Vader Project foi uma exposição que esteve patente na Star Wars Celebration IV, em Los Angeles, Maio transacto. Simplesmente fabulosa! Vejam alguma da arte, seguindo depois os links para terem acesso a muitas outras fotos. Apreciem!

The Project

Take a tour

Official site news

Official Flickr Gallery

More Flickr pics

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Jedi Hammie

Meet Obi-Wan Kenhammie!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo


2007 was a great year for Star Wars. 30 years of existence... Uau!
Meanwhile, I decided to create this blog, mostly and simply because I´m a fan of the Star Wars universe. Just because of that.
I realized then, that it takes a great deal of time and some dedication, to be able to post whenever I can. Whenever is possible, I´ll use the Force to accomplish my posting task in this space, although I know that´ll be a hard one. So, to all the millions of fans spread around our great blue globe, I wish you a 2008 full of achievements and lots, tons, of Star Wars stuff in your life.

May the Force be with you!


2007 foi um ano importante para a saga Star Wars. 30 anos de existência... Uau!
Nos entretantos, decidi avançar para a criação deste blogue, principalmente e basicamente por ser um fã de todo este universo. Apenas por isso.
Percebi então, que é necessário despender bastante tempo e dedicação, para que seja possível fazer posts. Sempre que possível, farei uso da Força para colocar o maior número posts neste espaço, o que não será tarefa fácil. A todos os milhões de fãs espalhados pelo nosso grande globo azul, desejo-vos um 2008 cheio de realizações e montanhas, toneladas, de Star Wars na vossa vida.

Que a Força esteja convosco!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo